Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seasonal Splurges

While I was at the grocery store the other day with all my rockin' free product coupons, I walked straight over to the Easter candy aisle and picked up a seasonal favorite of mine - Cadbury Cream Eggs. Did I need them? No. Were they worth every penny (and calorie)? In my book, absolutely.

You see, I have several favorite things that are only available once a year. When they come out, I allow myself to splurge on them just once (well, okay, maybe twice). They are all things that I normally would not be willing to "waste" money on, but since they are seasonal treats I make an exception. My favorite seasonal splurges are:

December - Starbucks White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha & McDonalds Egg Nog Milkshake
March - McDonald's Shamrock Shake
Easter - Cadbury Cream Eggs & Cadbury Mini Eggs

Am I the only seasonal splurger, or do you have any once-a-year treats that you just have to have?


  1. Oh, you are NOT alone, only sadly my list is a bit longer. I also have very unhealthy treats that I like to make once a year for certain occasions. I justify it by calling it "tradition!"

  2. Haha - if I were to include things that I bake for holidays, my list would be much longer, too!
